Russian Superliga (women)

Olimpbet Super League. HC Astrakhanochka defeated HC Universitet with a 30-goal advantage and headed the tournament standings
12 September 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Astrakhanochka defeated HC Universitet with a 30-goal advantage and headed the tournament standings

Olimpbet Super League. Ekaterina Dolmatova’s long throw under the curtain of the match brought HC Dinamo-Sinara an away victory over HC Zvezda
11 September 2023

Olimpbet Super League. Ekaterina Dolmatova’s long throw under the curtain of the match brought HC Dinamo-Sinara an away victory over HC Zvezda

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA will play in a special golden kit in the first match of the season with HC Chernomorochka
11 September 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA will play in a special golden kit in the first match of the season with HC Chernomorochka

Russia. Sergey Shishkarev: "It’s great that we have such a format as the Friendship Cup. We plan to hold the tournament again"
11 September 2023

Russia. Sergey Shishkarev: "It’s great that we have such a format as the Friendship Cup. We plan to hold the tournament again"

Russia. The most reliable goalkeeper of the previous Super League season 19-year-old Vasilisa Osadchieva decided to end the career
11 September 2023

Russia. The most reliable goalkeeper of the previous Super League season 19-year-old Vasilisa Osadchieva decided to end the career

Sergey Shishkarev: "I suppose, we will consider including a professional club from Sakhalin in the national championship in a couple of years"
11 September 2023

Sergey Shishkarev: "I suppose, we will consider including a professional club from Sakhalin in the national championship in a couple of years"

Sergey Shishkarev: "Mikhaylichenko is bombarded with offers from Europe. Even from those clubs, which object to our participation in the congress"
11 September 2023

Sergey Shishkarev: "Mikhaylichenko is bombarded with offers from Europe. Even from those clubs, which object to our participation in the congress"

Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don defeated HC AGU-Adyif in the first home match of the season with more than a two-fold difference in the score
10 September 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don defeated HC AGU-Adyif in the first home match of the season with more than a two-fold difference in the score

Olimpbet Super League. At the end of the 1st tour HC CSKA beat HC Luch in the match between two Moscow teams. Veronika Chipula reflected 52% of throws
7 September 2023

Olimpbet Super League. At the end of the 1st tour HC CSKA beat HC Luch in the match between two Moscow teams. Veronika Chipula reflected 52% of throws

Olimpbet Super League. HC Zvezda hardly beat HC Stavropolye, HC Chernomorochka lost in its debut match in the Super League with HC Rostov-Don
6 September 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Zvezda hardly beat HC Stavropolye, HC Chernomorochka lost in its debut match in the Super League with HC Rostov-Don

Yuliya Gariaeva is in CSKA, Natalia Nikitina is in Chernomorochka, Belarusian Dmitriy Tikhon heads HC Lada. The list of transitions in women’s Super League
4 September 2023

Yuliya Gariaeva is in CSKA, Natalia Nikitina is in Chernomorochka, Belarusian Dmitriy Tikhon heads HC Lada. The list of transitions in women’s Super League

Olimpbet Super League. HC Chernomorochka Novorossiysk and its youth team will host the competitors at the sports centre Delo-Sport in Abrau-Durso
28 August 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Chernomorochka Novorossiysk and its youth team will host the competitors at the sports centre Delo-Sport in Abrau-Durso

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