Olimpbet Super League. At the end of the 1st tour HC CSKA beat HC Luch in the match between two Moscow teams. Veronika Chipula reflected 52% of throws

21:31, 7 September 2023
In the match of the first preliminary stage of the women's championship of Russia HC CSKA beat HC Luch in Moscow— 31:24.
The game was especially successful for the goalkeeper of the winners Veronika Chipula, who played for HC Luch last season. 12 saves during 34 minutes on the court, that is 52% of reliability, are on her account.
The first Super League tour is completed. Next match of the women’s tournament will be held on Sunday, 10 September. HC Rostov-Don will face HC AGU-Adyif in a home match.
7 September
Luch — CSKA — 24:31 (14:18) (Matakhadze — 7, Makhneva — 4; Kozachenko, Kulak — 5 each, Ilyina — 4)
Universitet — Lada — 13:38 (10:17) (Nizovtseva, Basangova — 3 each; Kishko — 7, V.Nikitina, Reshetnikova, Yavon — 5 each)
Tournament standings. 1. Lada — 2 points (1 match). 2. Rostov-Don — 2 (1). 3. Astrakhanochka — 2 (1). 4. CSKA — 2 (1). 5. Dinamo-Sinara — 2 (1). 6. Zvezda — 2 (1). 7. Stavropolye — 0 (1). 8. Kuban — 0 (1). 9. Luch — 0 (1). 10. AGU-Adyif — 0 (1). 11. Chernomorochka — 0 (1). 12. Universitet — 0 (1).
Photo: HC CSKA press   
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