Olimpbet Super League. Anastasia Shavman: "I reached my maximum peak with Kuban. And I made a decision about the transfer"

Anastasia Shavman named the main reason for leaving HC Kuban for HC Rostov-Don

14:18, 19 July 2024
The right back Anastasia Shavman told in an interview with Independent Sports Newspaper about how she decided to leave Kuban for Rostov-Don.
 — Honestly, I was offered to join Rostov-Don for a long time. But firstly, the loan has not expired, and then I changed my mind. After all, HC Kuban became my home team, and we are in good terms with girls. But at the end of last year I received the second invitation and I wondered how to progress and grow further. I thought for a long time. It seems that I reached my maximum peak with Kuban at the moment. And I made a decision about the transfer. But I want to say that when I agreed, no thoughts concerning further leaving in any match outweighed my responsibilities to the Krasnodar club. I always came to the court and fought to the last for Kuban logo on my chest. I immediately informed the coaching staff, which had already known my future, and girls that I would do my best as long as I play for this team, since I am the player of Kuban, — Shavman said.
Photo: vk.com/whckuban                            
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