Olimpbet Super League. Ekaterina Dolmatova’s long throw under the curtain of the match brought HC Dinamo-Sinara an away victory over HC Zvezda

20:34, 11 September 2023
In the match of the first preliminary stage of the women’s championship of Russia in Zvenigorod HC Dinama-Sinara was stronger than HC Zvezda with a minimal difference in the score — 29:28. 
The long throw of Ekaterina Dolmatova brought the victory to the Volgograd club just before the final siren. HC Dinamo-Sinara plays without score loss, while HC Zvezda was beat for the first time.
11 September
Zvezda — Dinamo-Sinara — 28:29 (16:16) (Penzeva, Vertushkova — 6 each, Belchikova — 4; Samoylenko, Dolmatova — 7 each, Sudakova, Dudkina — 5 each)
Lada — Stavropolye — 24:22 (12:10) (V.Nikitina, Reshetnikova — 5 each; Sivovalova, Lyzhina — 4 each)
Tournament standings. 1. Rostov-Don — 4 points (2 matches). 2. Lada — 4 (2). 3. Dinamo-Sinara — 4 (2). 4. Astrakhanochka — 2 (1). 5. CSKA — 2 (1). 6. Zvezda — 2 (2). 7. Stavropolye — 0 (2). 8. Kuban — 0 (1). 9. Luch — 0 (1). 10. Chernomorochka — 0 (1). 11. Universitet — 0 (1). 12. AGU-Adyif — 0 (2).
Photo: HC Zvezda press 
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