Olimpbet Super League. HC Astrakhanochka defeated HC Universitet with a 30-goal advantage and headed the tournament standings

18:30, 12 September 2023
The match of the 2nd tour in the women’s Super League finished in Astrakhan.
Aleksey Alekseev’s team defeated the guests from Izhevsk — 41:11. The left wing from HC Astrakhanochka Viktoria Shichkina scored 7 balls and became the best goal scorer of the match.
To recall, in the match of the 1st tour HC Universitet devastatingly ceded to HC Lada (13:38). 
12 September
Astrakhanochka — Universitet — 41:11 (19:5)(Shichkina — 7, Romanenko, Sharkova — 6 each, Shinkaruk — 5; Shakiryanova, Nizovtseva — 3 each)
Kuban — Luch — 36:23 (18:14) (Shavman — 8, V.Zhilinskayte, A.Morozova — 4 each; Sukhova — 4)
Tournament standings. 1. Astrakhanochka — 4 points (2 matches). 2. Rostov-Don — 4 (2). 3. Lada — 4 (2). 4. Dinamo-Sinara — 4 (2). 5. CSKA — 2 (1). 6. Kuban — 2 (2). 7. Zvezda — 2 (2). 8. Stavropolye — 0 (2). 9. Chernomorochka — 0 (1). 10. Luch — 0 (2). 11. AGU-Adyif — 0 (2). 12. Universitet — 0 (2). 
Photo: HC Astrakhanochka press   
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