Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA will play in a special golden kit in the first match of the season with HC Chernomorochka

19:17, 11 September 2023
HC CSKA will hold the first match in the Super League on home court on Wednesday, 13 September. The competitor is the newcomer in the top division HC Chernomorochka. The meeting starts at 19:30 (Moscow time). 
The CSKA press service informs, that the team will play in a special golden sports kit. The unique kit is devoted to the last season, in which CSKA excelled in all participated tournaments. The capital club managed to win the Super Cup again in the new season.   
The supporters will have an opportunity to buy a t-shirt from the limited collection in the sales office of the club paraphernalia on the day of the mach.
Photo: HC CSKA press   
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