Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don defeated HC AGU-Adyif in the first home match of the season with more than a two-fold difference in the score

15:33, 10 September 2023
In the match of the first preliminary stage of the women’s championship of Russia HC Rostov-Don left no chances to HC AGU-Adyif — 37:13.
The players from Maykop team managed to score only 4 goals during the second half. Among the guests more than a half of goals is on the account of Alisa Dvortsevaya. Only right wing Angelina Boloba managed to score more than one goal besides Dvortsevaya.
In the winners, the goalkeepers Anastasiya Lagina and Anastasiya Kazmenko made 16 saves — 55% of reliability.
10 September
Rostov-Don — AGU-Adyif — 37:13 (19:9) (Kirdyasheva — 7, Amelchenko — 6, Sen — 5: Dvortsevaya — 7, Boloba — 2)
Tournament standings. 1. Rostov-Don — 4 points (2 matches). 2. Lada — 2 (1). 3. Astrakhanochka — 2 (1). 4. CSKA — 2 (1). 5. Dinamo-Sinara — 2 (1). 6. Zvezda — 2 (1). 7. Stavropolye — 0 (1). 8. Kuban — 0 (1). 9. Luch — 0 (1). 10. Chernomorochka — 0 (1). 11. Universitet — 0 (1). 12. AGU-Adyif — 0 (2).
Photo: HC Rostov-Don press  


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