Olimpbet Super League. Varvara Semina: "If I was called to CSKA, it means they see some perspective. I decided to try"

The newcomer of CSKA Varvara Semina shared her first thoughts after the offer to move to the capital team

19:50, 24 July 2024
The left back Varvara Semina in an interview to the press service of CSKA talked about how she decided on the transfer from HC Dinamo-Sinara Volgograd.
 — It was unexpected. It is very pleasant when your efforts are appreciated and you are invited to a team of that level. I consulted with my parents, friends and thought why not? If they call me, it means that they see a prospective. And I decided to try, — Semina said.
 — It will be very interesting to play against Dinamo next season. They have a very good squad now, all my girls are there, and some new joined, they are a fast team. Of course, it will be exciting, but it is the same competitor like other teams, so everything will be all right, — the player added.


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