
Olimpbet Super League. HC Zenit snatched a victory at home from HC Permskie medvedi. The goalkeeper of HC Zenit Dmitriy Kuznetsov made 17 saves
23 October 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Zenit snatched a victory at home from HC Permskie medvedi. The goalkeeper of HC Zenit Dmitriy Kuznetsov made 17 saves

Olimpbet Super League. HC Chernomorochka won a minimal victory over HC Zvezda. Natalya Nikitina scored 9 goals
23 October 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Chernomorochka won a minimal victory over HC Zvezda. Natalya Nikitina scored 9 goals

Olimpbet Super League. HC SGAU-Saratov beat HC Akbuzat at home, won the first victory in the season and broke off 19-match losing series
22 October 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC SGAU-Saratov beat HC Akbuzat at home, won the first victory in the season and broke off 19-match losing series

Olimpbet Super League. HC Lada leveled the score in the second half of away match with HC Rostov but lost for the first time in the season
19 October 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Lada leveled the score in the second half of away match with HC Rostov but lost for the first time in the season

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA won with a four-goal advantage in the match of the 8th tour of the women’s championship of Russia with HC Zvezda
18 October 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA won with a four-goal advantage in the match of the 8th tour of the women’s championship of Russia with HC Zvezda

Olimpbet Super League. 18 goals of Ermakov and Kornev helped HC Chekhovskie medvedi to win a confident victory over HC Zenit
18 October 2023

Olimpbet Super League. 18 goals of Ermakov and Kornev helped HC Chekhovskie medvedi to win a confident victory over HC Zenit

Olimpbet Super League. In the final match of the day HC CSKA continued its undefeated series in the championship with a home victory over HC SKIF
17 October 2023

Olimpbet Super League. In the final match of the day HC CSKA continued its undefeated series in the championship with a home victory over HC SKIF

Olimpbet Super League. HC Kuban missed a three-goal advantage three minutes before the final siren and lost to HC Chernomorochka in Krasnodar region derby
17 October 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Kuban missed a three-goal advantage three minutes before the final siren and lost to HC Chernomorochka in Krasnodar region derby

Friendly match. The second sparring between HC Zvezda Zvenigorod and the women’s national team of Belarus ended in a row
14 October 2023

Friendly match. The second sparring between HC Zvezda Zvenigorod and the women’s national team of Belarus ended in a row

SEHA-Gazprom League. HC Permskie medvedi beat HC Gomel with a different of 4 balls in a guest match and moved to the third place in A quintet
13 October 2023

SEHA-Gazprom League. HC Permskie medvedi beat HC Gomel with a different of 4 balls in a guest match and moved to the third place in A quintet

Friendly match. The women’s national team of Belarus achieved a confident victory over HC Zvezda. The competitors will meet again of Saturday
13 October 2023

Friendly match. The women’s national team of Belarus achieved a confident victory over HC Zvezda. The competitors will meet again of Saturday

SEHA-Gazprom League. Artur Rud’s 10 goals allowed HC CSKA to beat HC Zenit. The capital club continues to play with a 100 percent result
12 October 2023

SEHA-Gazprom League. Artur Rud’s 10 goals allowed HC CSKA to beat HC Zenit. The capital club continues to play with a 100 percent result

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