Olimpbet Super League. 18 goals of Ermakov and Kornev helped HC Chekhovskie medvedi to win a confident victory over HC Zenit

20:37, 18 October 2023
The final match of the 6th tour in the men’s championship of Russia was completed.
HC Chekhovskie medvedi won a confident win over HC Zenit on its home court and keeps going through the tournament with a 100 percent result. Aleksandr Ermakov scored 10 goals and became the best goal-scorer of the meeting.
18 October
Chekhovskie medvedi — Zenit — 34:27 (18:13) (A.Ermakov — 10, Kornev — 8; Kiselev — 6, Lunys — 4)
Kaustik — Victor — 26:32 (11:15) (D.Ivanov, Ibrakov — 6 each; Iltinsky — 8, Pasenov — 5)
Permskie medvedi — Dinamo — 31:28 (13:13) (Afonin — 8, Firsov — 5; Uhvarkin — 5, Gumarov, Larin, Drozdov, Kantemirov — 4 each)
Tournament standings (after 6 matches). 1. Chekhovskie medvedi — 12 points. 2. CSKA — 12. 3. Permskie medvedi — 10. 4. Zenit — 8. 5. Victor — 8. 6. Dinamo-Sungul — 6. 7. SKIF — 6. 8. Akbuzat — 4. 9. Skif — 3. 10. Dinamo — 2. 11. SGAU-Saratov — 1. 12. Kaustik — 0.
Photo: HC Chekhovskie medvedi press 
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