Olimpbet Super League. HC Lada leveled the score in the second half of away match with HC Rostov but lost for the first time in the season

20:30, 19 October 2023
Another match of the game day in the women’s Super League finished.
HC Rostov-Don proved to be stronger than HC Lada on its home court. During the second half the guests managed to level the score but finally lost. It the first loss for the team from Togliatti in the season.
19 October
Luch — Astrakhanochka — 22:31 (9:14) (Matakhadze — 8, Sheina — 4; Sharkova — 6, Shinkaruk, Yuryeva — 5 each)
Rostov-Don — Lada — 28:25 (16:14) (Kozhokar — 7, Tazhenova — 6; Malashenko — 7, N.Reshetnikova, Kishko — 4 each)
AGU-Adyif — Dinamo-Sinara — 20:20 (8:8) (Dvortsevaya, Boloba — 6 each, Kobleva — 4; Dolmatova — 6, Vasilyeva, Dudkina — 4 each)
Tournament standings. 1. Rostov-Don — 16 points (8 matches). 2. CSKA — 14 (8). 3. Lada — 14 (8). 4. Chernomorochka — 12 (8). 5. Astrakhanochka — 12 (8). 6. Kuban — 8 (8). 7. AGU-Adyif — 7 (8). 8. Dinamo-Sinara — 5 (8). 9. Zvezda — 4 (8). 10. Stavropolye — 2 (8). 11. Luch — 2 (8). 12. Universitet — 0 (8).
Photo: HC Rostov-Don press  


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