Olimpbet Super League. HC Zenit snatched a victory at home from HC Permskie medvedi. The goalkeeper of HC Zenit Dmitriy Kuznetsov made 17 saves

20:40, 23 October 2023
The game day in the men’s Super League finish with a match in Saint-Petersburg.
HC Zenit beat HC Permskie medvedi in a tough game and caught up with today’s opponent by the points scored. The goalkeeper of the guests Dmitriy Kuznetsov made 17 saves (41%).
23 October
Zenit — Permskie medvedi — 30:28 (12:11) (Lunya, Kiselev — 7 each, Petrov — 6, Solodovnikov — 5; Svistunov, Semenov — 6 each, Afonin — 5)
Victor — Chekhovskie medvedi — 30:34 (14:15) (Iltinskiy — 7, Bolotin — 4; kulak — 7, Furtsev, A.Kotov — 5 each)
Dinamo — CSKA — 22:33 (14:20) (Larin — 5, Shelestyukov — 4; S.Ivanov, Shishkarev — 7 each, Belevtsov — 5, Rud — 4)
Tournament standings. 1. Chekhovskie medvedi — 14 points (7 matches). 2. CSKA — 14 (7). 3. Zenit — 10 (7). 4. Permskie medvedi — 10 (7). 5. Victor — 8 (7). 6. Dinamo-Sungul — 6 (6). 7. SKIF — 6 (6). 8. Akbuzat — 4 (7). 9. Skif — 3 (6). 10. SGAU-Saratov — 3 (7). 11. Dinamo — 2 (7). 12. Kaustik — 0 (6).
Photo: HC Zenit press         
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