Olimpbet Super League. HC Chernomorochka won a minimal victory over HC Zvezda. Natalya Nikitina scored 9 goals

20:34, 23 October 2023
The second game of the 9th tour in the women’s championship of Russia finished in Zvenigorod.
HC Chernomorochka won in away match with HC Zvezda. Aleksey Gumyanov’s team won the seventh consecutive win in the Super League. The left back of the guests Natalia Nikitina scored 9 balls against her former team.
23 October
Zvezda — Chernomorochka — 32:33 (14:19) (Vertushkova, Gerasimova — 7 each, Avdoshko, Belchikova — 4 each; N.Nikitina — 9, Nefedova — 5)
Kuban — AGU-Adyif — 36:26 (17:15) (A.Lebedeva — 6, Shavman, A.Morozova — 4 each; Boloba — 6, Kobleva — 5)
Tournament standings. 1. Rostov-Don — 16 points (8 matches). 2. CSKA — 14 (8). 3. Lada — 14 (8). 4. Chernomorochka — 14 (9). 5. Astrakhanochka — 12 (8). 6. Kuban — 10 (9). 7. AGU-Adyif — 7 (9). 8. Dinamo-Sinara — 5 (8). 9. Zvezda — 4 (8). 10. Stavropolye — 2 (8). 11. Luch — 2 (8). 12. Universitet — 0 (8).
Photo: HC Chernomorochka press     


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