Russian Superliga (women)

Olimpbet Super League. HC Dinamo-Sinara Volgograd won the third victory in the season due to successful home play with HC Luch Moscow
14 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Dinamo-Sinara Volgograd won the third victory in the season due to successful home play with HC Luch Moscow

Ksenia Makeeva: "I used to be indifferent to football before. Everything has changed after acquaintance with my husband. I started to watch matches for company with him and I was imbued with it"
14 October 2022

Ksenia Makeeva: "I used to be indifferent to football before. Everything has changed after acquaintance with my husband. I started to watch matches for company with him and I was imbued with it"

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA defeated HC Kuban with a 13 goals advantage. Olga Akopyan’s team won a fifth consecutive victory in the tournament
13 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA defeated HC Kuban with a 13 goals advantage. Olga Akopyan’s team won a fifth consecutive victory in the tournament

Yelena Valbe to Handballfast: "I will root for Zvezda, since I live in Moscow region. I will be happy if the team wins medals this season!"
10 October 2022

Yelena Valbe to Handballfast: "I will root for Zvezda, since I live in Moscow region. I will be happy if the team wins medals this season!"

Olimpbet Super League. HC Zvezda extended the winning streak to 5 matches. Today handball players from Moscow region defeated Chinese Fenix in a home match
10 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Zvezda extended the winning streak to 5 matches. Today handball players from Moscow region defeated Chinese Fenix in a home match

Olimpbet Super League. HC Kuban defeated HC Universitet Izhevsk in a home match and rised from the eighth place to the eleventh in the tournament standings
8 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Kuban defeated HC Universitet Izhevsk in a home match and rised from the eighth place to the eleventh in the tournament standings

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA defeated HC Baltiyskaya zarya in Saint Petersburg and extended the winning series in women’s championship up to four matches
7 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA defeated HC Baltiyskaya zarya in Saint Petersburg and extended the winning series in women’s championship up to four matches

O|impbet Super League. In the final match of Thursday HC Zvezda Zvenigorod defeated capital HC Luch in away game. Game day results
6 October 2022

O|impbet Super League. In the final match of Thursday HC Zvezda Zvenigorod defeated capital HC Luch in away game. Game day results

Olimpbet Super League. HC Baltiyskaya zarya snatched victory at the last second in a home match with HC Fenix. The Saint Peresburg club gained first points
5 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Baltiyskaya zarya snatched victory at the last second in a home match with HC Fenix. The Saint Peresburg club gained first points

Olimpbet Super league. HC Lada defeated HC Dinamo-Sinara Volgograd in home match with a 8-goals difference. Valentina Voitulevich reflected 60% of throws
25 September 2022

Olimpbet Super league. HC Lada defeated HC Dinamo-Sinara Volgograd in home match with a 8-goals difference. Valentina Voitulevich reflected 60% of throws

Olimpbet Super league. HC Zvezda in a home match missed 31 balls from HC Baltiyskaya Zarya, but won and gained 6 points in three games at the start of the season
23 September 2022

Olimpbet Super league. HC Zvezda in a home match missed 31 balls from HC Baltiyskaya Zarya, but won and gained 6 points in three games at the start of the season

Olimpbet Super league. "We act as one" Fund became a new men’s CSKA team’s partner
22 September 2022

Olimpbet Super league. "We act as one" Fund became a new men’s CSKA team’s partner

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