Yelena Valbe to Handballfast: "I will root for Zvezda, since I live in Moscow region. I will be happy if the team wins medals this season!"

22:15, 10 October 2022
The awards to the best players of the Super League match between HC Zvezda and HC Fenix, held on 10 October in Zvenigorod, were presented by Yelena Valbe, the famous skier, three-time Olympic champion, multiple world champion, the President of the Russian Ski Racing Federation and the head of the Russian Ski Association today. Yelena Valeryevna shared her impressions with Handballfast correspondent. 
 — It seems it was not your first visit to handball…

  In fact, it’s been a while since I was to a handball game. But it wasn’t the first time I came to the match, I understand the essence of what is happening on the court. It was a great match today, it was pleasure to watch the girls. But of course, the Chinese players are not so strong yet as ours, it’s understandable, that they didn’t stand in the second half. But in general I enjoyed the game. 

 — Yelena Valeryevna, do you find the individual awards you presented well-deserved?
 — Of course. Nadezhda Osipova had fulfilled a great work and thus was considered the best, though she hasn’t scored many goals, only 2. 
  — After the match you communicated with Alexey Gumyanov, the head coach of the team from Moscow region. During the winter Olympic Games in the conversation with Handballfast he seemed so upset because of the forth place of Natalia Nepryaeva. Did you know each other before?
 — We got acquainted just today! And I am going to root for Zvezda, it’s closer to me since I live in Moscow region. I will be happy, if the team wins medals this season, — admitted Valbe. 
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