Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA defeated HC Baltiyskaya zarya in Saint Petersburg and extended the winning series in women’s championship up to four matches

20:55, 7 October 2022
One play was held in women’s championship of Russia. 
HC CSKA defeated HC Baltiyskaya zarya in Saint Petersburg. Olga Akopyan’s wards keep on going in the tournament with 100% result. The host’s playmaker Veronica Komkova became the most productive player of the match, having scored 9 goals. 

7 October

Baltiyskaya Zarya — CSKA — 20:38 (11:18) (Komkova — 9; Ristovska, Scheglova — 6 each, Illarionova — 5)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 8 points (4 games). 2. Zvezda — 8 (4). 3. Rostov-Don — 8 (4). 4. Astrakhanochka — 6 (5). 5. Stavropolye — 6 (4). 6. Lada — 6 (5). 7. Dinamo-Sinara — 5 (5). 8. Universitet — 4 (5). 9. Luch — 4 (4). 10. Fenix — 3 (6). 11. Kuban — 2 (5). 12. Baltiyskaya zarya — 2 (6). 13. AGU-Adyif — 0 (5). 
Live broadcasts of matches are avaliable on portal handballtv.ru
Photo: HC CSKA press 


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