
Olimpbet Super League. HC Kuban defeated HC Universitet Izhevsk in a home match and rised from the eighth place to the eleventh in the tournament standings
8 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Kuban defeated HC Universitet Izhevsk in a home match and rised from the eighth place to the eleventh in the tournament standings

Olimpbet Super League. HC SGAU-Saratov suffered their first loss of the season, ceding in away match to the Super League newcomer HC Skif Omsk
8 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC SGAU-Saratov suffered their first loss of the season, ceding in away match to the Super League newcomer HC Skif Omsk

Olimpbet Super League. HC Victor Stavropolye won in away match with HC Chekhovskie medvedi and leads the championship race with a 100% result
7 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Victor Stavropolye won in away match with HC Chekhovskie medvedi and leads the championship race with a 100% result

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA defeated HC Baltiyskaya zarya in Saint Petersburg and extended the winning series in women’s championship up to four matches
7 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA defeated HC Baltiyskaya zarya in Saint Petersburg and extended the winning series in women’s championship up to four matches

O|impbet Super League. In the final match of Thursday HC Zvezda Zvenigorod defeated capital HC Luch in away game. Game day results
6 October 2022

O|impbet Super League. In the final match of Thursday HC Zvezda Zvenigorod defeated capital HC Luch in away game. Game day results

Olimpbet Super League. HC Baltiyskaya zarya snatched victory at the last second in a home match with HC Fenix. The Saint Peresburg club gained first points
5 October 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Baltiyskaya zarya snatched victory at the last second in a home match with HC Fenix. The Saint Peresburg club gained first points

Dmitriy Torgovanov: "I root for Zenit in other game sports. And for the whole Saint Petersburg sport!"
5 October 2022

Dmitriy Torgovanov: "I root for Zenit in other game sports. And for the whole Saint Petersburg sport!"

The man, who became the embodiment of St. Petersburg handball, leads the club to medals under a different name. Have many matters changed?

SEHA-Gazprom League. East division. Dmitriy Kiselev: "I told guys during time-out: I’m going to throw. It was completely my initiative"
3 October 2022

SEHA-Gazprom League. East division. Dmitriy Kiselev: "I told guys during time-out: I’m going to throw. It was completely my initiative"

Children’s handball. The tournament in Volgograd in memory of Levon Akopyan among girls born in 2011-2012 ended with the victory of team from Krasnodar
3 October 2022

Children’s handball. The tournament in Volgograd in memory of Levon Akopyan among girls born in 2011-2012 ended with the victory of team from Krasnodar

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. HC Zenit Saint Petersburg in the first match in its history played downhill with HC CSKA Moscow at Sibur Arena
3 October 2022

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. HC Zenit Saint Petersburg in the first match in its history played downhill with HC CSKA Moscow at Sibur Arena

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. HC Meshkov Brest turned out to be stronger than HC Masheka in the group B opening match on their home court
2 October 2022

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. HC Meshkov Brest turned out to be stronger than HC Masheka in the group B opening match on their home court

Russia. Officially. HC Neva Saint Petersburg is renamed to HC Zenit. The team will play the first match under the new name October, 3
2 October 2022

Russia. Officially. HC Neva Saint Petersburg is renamed to HC Zenit. The team will play the first match under the new name October, 3

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