Olimpbet Super League. HC Victor Stavropolye won in away match with HC Chekhovskie medvedi and leads the championship race with a 100% result

21:05, 7 October 2022
Today one match was held in men’s championship of Russia. 
Champions of the country HC Chekhovskie medvedi and the Cup winner HC Victor met in a fundamental confrontation in Moscow region. This time the guests turned out to be stronger, having reached the fourth consecutive victory and led the tournament standings. Vladimir Maximov’s team was defeated for the first time in the season. 
7 October
Chekhovskie medvedi — Victor — 28:31 (10:13) (K.Kotov, Ermakov — 5 each; Bolotin, Mazurov, Tsokol, Kochura — 4 each) 
Tournament standings. 1. Victor — 8 points (4 games). 2. Chekhovskie medvedi — 6 (4). 3. SGAU-Saratov — 6 (3). 4. Zenit — 4 (3). 5. Permskie medvedi — 4 (3). 6. CSKA — 4 (3). 7. Dinamo-Sungul — 2 (3). 8. Dinamo — 2 (3). 9. Skif — 2 (3). 10. SKIF — 0 (3). 11. Akbuzat — 0 (3). 12. Donskie kazaki-UFU — 0 (3). 
Live broadcasts of matches are available on portal handballtv.ru
Photo: HC Chekhovskie medvedi press
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