
Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don managed to snatch victory from HC Lada at the last minute of the meeting and took revenge on Togliatti team for the recent loss
26 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don managed to snatch victory from HC Lada at the last minute of the meeting and took revenge on Togliatti team for the recent loss

Olimpbet Super League. HC Dinamo-Sinara defeated HC AGU-Adyif greatly and equalled HC Kuban on points. 27 November a face-to-face meeting will be held
25 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Dinamo-Sinara defeated HC AGU-Adyif greatly and equalled HC Kuban on points. 27 November a face-to-face meeting will be held

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA had no difficulties in a home match with HC Permskie medvedi. HC Zenit confidently beat HC Skif Omsk
24 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA had no difficulties in a home match with HC Permskie medvedi. HC Zenit confidently beat HC Skif Omsk

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA Moscow beat HC Zvezda Zvenigorod the second time this week. This time CSKA threw 52 balls
24 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA Moscow beat HC Zvezda Zvenigorod the second time this week. This time CSKA threw 52 balls

Olimpbet Super League. HC SKIF Krasnodar, ceding 3 goals after the first time, beat HC Dinamo Astrakhan in the only day’s match
23 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC SKIF Krasnodar, ceding 3 goals after the first time, beat HC Dinamo Astrakhan in the only day’s match

Echo of the European Championship 2022. Lyudmila Bodnieva: "I liked the Swedish most of all among those who didn’t get to the medalists"
23 November 2022

Echo of the European Championship 2022. Lyudmila Bodnieva: "I liked the Swedish most of all among those who didn’t get to the medalists"

The head coach of the Russian national team, who attended the matches in Ljubljana, told Handballfast about her impressions of the top-tournament and singled out Norwegian Stine Oftedal.  

Olimpbet Super League. The right back Yulija Baeva became one of the most resultative players in the match with her former team. HC CSKA defeated HC Luch
21 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. The right back Yulija Baeva became one of the most resultative players in the match with her former team. HC CSKA defeated HC Luch

Olimpbet Super League. In the final matches of the game day HC Kuban beat HC Dinamo-Sinara at home, HC Lada was stronger than HC Stavropolye
20 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. In the final matches of the game day HC Kuban beat HC Dinamo-Sinara at home, HC Lada was stronger than HC Stavropolye

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA with a two-goal advantage beat HC Zvezda and achieved the 11th consecutive win in the women’s championship
19 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA with a two-goal advantage beat HC Zvezda and achieved the 11th consecutive win in the women’s championship

Olimpbet Super League. HC Victor Stavropol beat HC Skif Omsk after equal score of the first half and reached the seventh consecutive victory
19 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Victor Stavropol beat HC Skif Omsk after equal score of the first half and reached the seventh consecutive victory

Olimpbet Super League. HC Kuban ceded to HC Astrakhanochka despite the 5-goal lead during the second half. Half of the team’s goals is on Polina Sharkova’s account
18 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Kuban ceded to HC Astrakhanochka despite the 5-goal lead during the second half. Half of the team’s goals is on Polina Sharkova’s account

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA easily won in away match with HC SGAU-Saratov with a five-goal advantage
18 November 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA easily won in away match with HC SGAU-Saratov with a five-goal advantage

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