Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don managed to snatch victory from HC Lada at the last minute of the meeting and took revenge on Togliatti team for the recent loss

16:42, 26 November 2022
HC Rostov-Don took HC Lada Togliatti on Saturday.
The outcome of the match was decided at the last minute. Kristina Kozhokar realized seven-meter throw and led Rostov-Don forward in 18 seconds before the siren. And during the last attack the Rostov-Don goalkeeper Anastasia Kazmenko coped with one of the competitor’s throw and kept the winning score for her team.
26 November
Rostov-Don — Lada — 33:32 (15:15) (Kozhokar, Zelenkova — 8 each; Fomina — 8, Kirdyasheva — 7)
Stavropolye — Universitet — 33:23 (14:10) (Belchikova — 9, Nefedova — 6; Avdoshko — 7, Kandakova — 6)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 26 points (13 matches). 2. Rostov-Don — 22 (13). 3. Lada — 20 (14). 4. Astrakhanochka — 19 (13). 5. Zvezda — 18 (13). 6. Kuban — 13 (13). 7. Dinamo-Sinara — 13 (13). 8. Stavropolye — 12 (13). 9. Universitet — 10 (14). 10. Fenix — 9 (14). 11. Luch — 4 (12). 12. AGU-Adyif — 2 (13). 13. Baltiyskaya zarya — 2 (13).
Photo: vk.com/rostovhandball


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