Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA easily won in away match with HC SGAU-Saratov with a five-goal advantage

19:03, 18 November 2022
The game day of the men’s championship of Russia finished with the match between HC SGAU-Saratov and HC CSKA.
HC CSKA achieved success with a five-goal difference. The resultative play of the CSKA right wing Sergey Ivanov is worth mentioning.  
18 November
SGAU-Saratov — CSKA — 25:30 (12:16) (Filimonenko — 6; Ivanov — 10)
Permskie medvedi — Zenit — 38:30 (19:30) (Gnoyevoy, Salikov — 6 each; Lunya, Solodovnikov — 5 each)
Dinamo — Dinamo-Sungul — 26:24 (14:18) (Gumarov — 11; S.Ermakov — 6)
Akbuzat — SKIF — 30:31 (15:14) (Trushin, Mishin — 5 each; Dashko — 8, Maslennikov — 7, Shalabanov, Chan Suan Vet — 6 each)

Tournament Standings. 1. Victor — 12 points (6 matches). 2. Chekhovskie medvedi — 10 (6). 3. Permskie medvedi — 10 (6). 4. CSKA — 10 (6). 5. Zenit — 8 (6). 6. SKIF — 6 (7). 7. Dinamo-Sungul — 4 (7). 8. SGAU-Saratov — 4 (6). 9. Dinamo — 2 (6). 10. Skif — 2 (5). 11. Akbuzat — 0 (7). 12. Donskie kazaki-UFU — 0 (0). 


Live broadcasts of the matches are avaliable on portal handballtv.ru


Photo: vk.com/mhccska
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