
Olimpbet Super League. In the only match of the day HC SGAU-Saratov beat the championship leader HC Victor at home, losing 4 balls in the first half
16 December 2022

Olimpbet Super League. In the only match of the day HC SGAU-Saratov beat the championship leader HC Victor at home, losing 4 balls in the first half

Olimpbet Super League. HC Stavropolye achieved a determined victory over Chinese HC Fenix, having reduced the difference in four goals in 25 minutes
14 December 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Stavropolye achieved a determined victory over Chinese HC Fenix, having reduced the difference in four goals in 25 minutes

Cup of Russia. HC Dinamo-Sungul beat HC Voronezh in away match. The club from Snezhinsk became the last participant of the 1/8 finals
14 December 2022

Cup of Russia. HC Dinamo-Sungul beat HC Voronezh in away match. The club from Snezhinsk became the last participant of the 1/8 finals

Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don won a victory over HC Fenix on their home court, HC CSKA defeated HC Stavropolye in away match
12 December 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don won a victory over HC Fenix on their home court, HC CSKA defeated HC Stavropolye in away match

Russian Cup. Another Super League representative knocked out of the tournament at the hands of a Premier League team. HC Kaustik broke the resistance of HC Akbuzat at home
12 December 2022

Russian Cup. Another Super League representative knocked out of the tournament at the hands of a Premier League team. HC Kaustik broke the resistance of HC Akbuzat at home

Olympic Games-2024. The head of the United States Olympic Committee Susanne Lyons: "We are determined to find a solution for the athletes, who have been training their entire lives for it"
12 December 2022

Olympic Games-2024. The head of the United States Olympic Committee Susanne Lyons: "We are determined to find a solution for the athletes, who have been training their entire lives for it"

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. In the final match of the year HC Chekhovskie medvedi beat the outsider of the group HC Gomel
11 December 2022

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. In the final match of the year HC Chekhovskie medvedi beat the outsider of the group HC Gomel

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. In the 4th tour meeting HC Meshkov Brest was stronger than HC Masheka in away match and continued moving in the standings without points loss
10 December 2022

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. In the 4th tour meeting HC Meshkov Brest was stronger than HC Masheka in away match and continued moving in the standings without points loss

Olimpbet Super League. In the final match of the game day HC Dinamo-Sinara at home proved to be devastatingly stronger than outsider HC Baltiyskaya zarya
10 December 2022

Olimpbet Super League. In the final match of the game day HC Dinamo-Sinara at home proved to be devastatingly stronger than outsider HC Baltiyskaya zarya

Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don ceded the victory to HC CSKA Moscow at home. It is the third victory of the capital team in the matches with Rostov-Don this season
10 December 2022

Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don ceded the victory to HC CSKA Moscow at home. It is the third victory of the capital team in the matches with Rostov-Don this season

Olympic Games-2024. Sergey Shishkarev: "Any option, that could approach our countries to participation in the Olympic Games, should be fully exploited"
10 December 2022

Olympic Games-2024. Sergey Shishkarev: "Any option, that could approach our countries to participation in the Olympic Games, should be fully exploited"

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. HC CSKA beat HC Zenit at home, having held a thrilling for its fans second half
9 December 2022

SEHA-Gazprom League. East Division. HC CSKA beat HC Zenit at home, having held a thrilling for its fans second half

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