Olimpbet Super League. HC Stavropolye achieved a determined victory over Chinese HC Fenix, having reduced the difference in four goals in 25 minutes

20:32, 14 December 2022
In the Russian women’s championship meeting HC Stavropolye managed to reverse an unsuccessful home match and gained a victory over HC Fenix — 28:22.
Three quarters of the game the hosts conceded in the score, the difference reached four balls. However, the victory remained with the players of HC Stavropolye. The final quarter of the match Evgeny Zotin’s team won with a score 12:5. Ekaterina Nefedova became the best goal scorer of the match, having thrown 9 balls.
14 December
Stavropolye — Fenix — 28:22 (11:13) (Nefedova — 9, Boloba — 7, Zotina, Sivovalova — 4 each; Lu Chang — 7, Tian Xiuxiu — 5, Jin Mengqing — 4) 
Lada — Luch — 46:18 (21:8) (Amelchenko — 10, Kipen — 7, N.Reshetnikova — 6; Chernyaeva, Fedorova, Fedosova — 4 each)
Universitet — Zvezda — 29:40 (15:24) (Avoshko — 6; Klimantseva — 8, N.Nikitina — 6)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 36 points (18 games). 2. Rostov-Don — 30 (18). 3. Lada — 26 (18). 4. Astrakhanochka — 25 (16). 5. Zvezda — 22 (17). 6. Kuban — 17 (16). 7. Dinamo-Sinara — 17 (16). 8. Stavropolye — 16 (18). 9. Universitet — 12 (18). 10. Fenix — 9 (16). 11. Luch — 4 (17). 12. AGU-Adyif — 4 (16). 13. Baltiyskaya zarya — 2 (16). 
Photo: HC Stavropolye press 
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