Olimpbet Super League. HC Zenit equalized the score in the series in Perm. Fate of the bronze will be determined in the third match in Saint-Petersburg on May 26

20 May 2024
The second match in the series for the third place was completed.
HC Zenit achieved an away victory and led the series to the third match. Oleg Lunya became the most resultative player of the winners wit his ten scored goals.
Dmitriy Kiselev brought the victory to the guests with a goal scored a few seconds before the siren.
The third match will be held in Saint-Petersburg on May 26.
20 May
The second match for the 3rd place
Permskie Medvedi — Zenit — 36:37 (19:15) (Afonin — 9; Lunya — 10)
The score of the series — 1:1
Photo: HC Zenit press  


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