Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don ceded 7 goals, reduced the gap, but still lost to HC CSKA in the final match of the final series

18 May 2024
The first match of the final series in the women’s Super League between HC Rostov-Don and HC CSKA finished.
HC Rostov-Don managed to reduce the difference, but still lost to HC CSKA.
18 May
Finals. The first match
Rostov-Don — CSKA — 26:28 (10:15) (Kirdyasheva — 9, Kozhokar — 6; Sabirova — 6, Illarionova — 5)
The score of the series — 0:1
The second match — 24 May
The first match for the 5th place
Kuban — Lada — 36:26 (16:12) (Sobkalo — 9; Fomina — 9)
The return match — 24 May
Photo: HC Rostov-Don press 


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