Olimpbet Super League. HC Astrakhanochka achieved a confident home victory over HC Chernomorochka in the first match of the bronze series

17 May 2024
The first match of the series for the third place of the women’s championship of Russia finished. The series is held up to two wins. 
HC Astrakhanochka won the first match. The performance of the hosts’ goalkeeper Anastasia Ryabsteva is worth mentioning. She reflected 57% of throws (22 out of 38).
17 May
The match for the third place. The first match
Astrakhanochka — Chernomorochka — 26:18 (12:8) (K.Ilyina — 9, Romanenko — 7, Bessalaya — 5; N.Nikitina — 6, Sobina — 4)
The score of the series — 1:0
The second match — 23 May
Photo: vk.com/astrakhanochka 
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