Olimpbet Super League. HC Zenit Saint-Petersburg ceded to HC Permskie Medvedi at the start of the series for the third place in a resultative match with 75 goals

14 May 2024
The first meeting in the series for the third place finished in Saint-Petersburg.
HC Zenit lost to HC Permskie Medvedi in a resultative home match with a seven-goal difference.
14 May
The first match for the third place
Zenit — Permskie Medvedi — 34:41 (17:21) (Lunya — 9; Salikov — 9, Afonin, Svistunov — 8 each)
The score in the series — 0:1. The second match — 20 May
Finals. The first match
CSKA — Chekhovskie Medvedi — 26:25 (13:14) (Shishkarev — 7, Hiryk — 5; Ermakov — 4, Kamenev — 4)
The score in the series — 1:0. The second match — 19 May
The first match for the fifth place
SKIF — Victor — 21:29 (15:16) (Bidanok, Dolinin — 5 each; Pasenov — 10)
The return match — 20 May
Photo: HC Zenit press 
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