Olimpbet Super League. HC Dinamo-Sungul snatched a draw in Astrakhan in the first match of the series for the seventh place

13 May 2024
The series for the seventh place started in the men’s championship of Russia on Monday.
HC Dinamo Astrakhan played a draw on its home court with the guests from Snezhinsk. Dmitriy Shelestyukov and Aleksey Koval scored 8 goals each and became the top-scorers of the meeting. The return match will be held on May 19.
13 May
The first match for the 7th place
Dinamo — Dinamo-Sungul — 28:28 (15:13) (Shelestyukov — 8, Klimentyev — 5; Koval — 8)
The return match — 19 May
Photo: HC Dinamo press  
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