Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA confidently beat HC Astrakhanochka on the home court and became the first finalist of the women’s championship

11 May 2024
The first finalist of the women’s championship of Russia was determined on Saturday.
HC CSKA won in return match with HC Astrakhanochka and continues to fight for the trophy. The goalkeeper of the capital team Polina Kaplina held a great match, she reflected 50% of throws (14 out of 28).
The rival of HC CSKA will be known tomorrow after the match Rostov-Don — Chernomorochka.
11 May
1/2 finals. The return match
CSKA — Astrakhanochka  — 30:21 (16:11) (E.Ilyina, Kozatchenko, Ristovska — 4 each; Yuryeva, Bessalaya, Sivukha — 3 each)
The first match — 35:28
Photo: vk.com/whccska  
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