Olimpbet Super League. HC Chekhovskie Medvedi beat HC CSKA at home and reduced the gap with the leader. Both Ostashchenko and Hiryk scored 7 goals

31 March 2024

All the matches of the game day in the men’s Super League finished.

HC Chekhovskie Medvedi proved to be stronger than HC CSKA at home and reduced the gap with the capital team.

HC SKIF hardly won in a home match with HC SGAU-Saratov, though it was loosing 2 goals 4 minutes before the final siren. The goalkeepers of the hosts reflected 41% of throws. 

HC Dinamo-Sungul beat HC Dinamo Astrakhan and surpassed the rivals in the tournament standings. The goalkeeper of the guests Ivan Sharov made 19 saves (44% of reliability).

31 March

Chekhovskie Medvedi - CSKA - 28:23 (15:10) (Ostashchenko - 7, K.Kotov, A.Kotov, Dzemin - 5 each; Hiryk - 7, Sadovskiy, Shishkarev - 4 each)

SKIF - SGAU-Saratov - 29:28 (15:12) (Shalabanov, Maslennikov - 7 each; Ryzhkov -6, Musaev - 5)

Dinamo - Dinamo-Sungul - 27:29 (11:11) (Ukhvarkin - 6; Kutepov, Savelov, Demakov - 4 each)

Tournament standings. 1. CSKA - 38 points (21 matches). 2. Chekhovskie Medvedi - 36 (21). 3. Zenit - 29 (20). 4. Permskie medvedi - 26 (20). 5. Victor - 22 (20). 6. SKIF - 21 (20). 7. Dinamo-Sungul - 20 (20). 8. Dinamo - 18 (20). 9. SGAU-Saratov - 11 (21). 10. Akbuzat - 10 (19). 11. Kaustik - 8 (20). 12. Skif- 3 (20).

Photo: HC Chekhovskie Medvedi press

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