Olimpbet Super League. HC Chekhovskie Medvedi made a confident step on the way to the final, having beaten HC Zenit Saint-Petersburg in the first match

16:54, 1 May 2024
The first semi-final match between Zenit and Chekhovskie Medvedi was held on Wednesday.
The team from Moscow region won with an advantage of five goals. It should be noted, that Oleg Lunya implemented all his throwing attempts.
1 May
1/2 finals. The first match
Zenit — Chekhovskie Medvedi — 24:29 (12:15) (Lunya — 11; A.Ermakov — 8, K.Kotov, Kamenev — 5 each)
The return match — 8 May
Photo: vk.com/handballclubzenit   
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