Olimpbet Super League. Elena Mikaylichenko: "I had offers from foreign clubs. I also received several last season"

24 July 2023
The most valuable player of the season-2022/23 Elena Mikhaylichenko in conversation with Handballfast observer Sergey Bogodukhov told about the interest from foreign clubs and the reasons for contract extension with HC CSKA for another year.
 — You will spend the next season in HC CSKA, but there’s no doubt that you won’t get lost in any of the Champions League club. Which leads to two questions: would you like to move to foreign club this summer? And did you receive offers?
 — I would answer the second question at once. Yes, I received offers. I had several last season as well. Obviously, the clubs are aware of the difficult situation with Russian handball…
Concerning the first question, I can’t do that to my team. I prolonged a contract with CSKA for another season. I feel comfortable in this team, everything is great. I’m not looking beyond that right now, but I would like to enjoy the atmosphere, in which I am, — Elena Mikhaylichenko said.         


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