
Olimpbet Super League. HC Lada Togliatti was stronger than HC Luch in a guest match in Moscow. 7 goals are on account of Veronica Nikitina
5 December 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Lada Togliatti was stronger than HC Luch in a guest match in Moscow. 7 goals are on account of Veronica Nikitina

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA beat HC Permskie medvedi in a resultative match on the come court. Artur Rud and Maksim Salikov scored 10+ goals each
5 December 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA beat HC Permskie medvedi in a resultative match on the come court. Artur Rud and Maksim Salikov scored 10+ goals each

Olimpbet Super League. HC Zenit beat HC Dinamo-Sungul in Saint-Petersburg in the match of the 11th tour after the failure in the first half
4 December 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Zenit beat HC Dinamo-Sungul in Saint-Petersburg in the match of the 11th tour after the failure in the first half

Olimpbet Super League. HC Chekhovskie medvedi ended the series of two losses due to the victory over HC Skif Omsk. Dmitriy Santalov scored 5 goals
3 December 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Chekhovskie medvedi ended the series of two losses due to the victory over HC Skif Omsk. Dmitriy Santalov scored 5 goals

Olimpbet Super League. Women. In the only match of the game day HC CSKA beat HC Dinamo-Sinara, Olga Yavon debuted in the new club
3 December 2023

Olimpbet Super League. Women. In the only match of the game day HC CSKA beat HC Dinamo-Sinara, Olga Yavon debuted in the new club

Olimpbet Super League. HC Astrakhanocha made a decisive breakthrough in the beginning of the second half and won in away match with HC Zvezda with a nine-goal difference
2 December 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Astrakhanocha made a decisive breakthrough in the beginning of the second half and won in away match with HC Zvezda with a nine-goal difference

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA Moscow proved to be stronger than HC Chekhovskie medvedi with a minimal difference in a home match and beat the rivals for the second time
30 November 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA Moscow proved to be stronger than HC Chekhovskie medvedi with a minimal difference in a home match and beat the rivals for the second time

Olimpbet Super League. HC Permskie medvedi won an away victory over HC Kaustik Volgograd. Denis Afonin scored 11 goals
29 November 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC Permskie medvedi won an away victory over HC Kaustik Volgograd. Denis Afonin scored 11 goals

Olimpbet Super League. HC SGAU-Saratov won in a home match with HC SKIF Krasnodar and achieved the third victory in the championship
28 November 2023

Olimpbet Super League. HC SGAU-Saratov won in a home match with HC SKIF Krasnodar and achieved the third victory in the championship

Olimpbet Super League. The right wing Albina Murzalieva is recognized by supporters as the best player of HC CSKA in November
27 November 2023

Olimpbet Super League. The right wing Albina Murzalieva is recognized by supporters as the best player of HC CSKA in November

Olimpbet Super League. The left wing Alisa Dvortsevaya left HC AGU-Adyif and became the player of HC Lada Togliatti
27 November 2023

Olimpbet Super League. The left wing Alisa Dvortsevaya left HC AGU-Adyif and became the player of HC Lada Togliatti

SEHA-Gazprom League. HC Meshkov Brest proved to be stronger than HC CSKA again, this time in Moscow. 12 accurate throws are on account of Artur Rud
26 November 2023

SEHA-Gazprom League. HC Meshkov Brest proved to be stronger than HC CSKA again, this time in Moscow. 12 accurate throws are on account of Artur Rud

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