A match involving USSR and world legends of handball can be held in Bishkek. The match will probably take place in winter in honor of the Olympic champion Talant Dujshebaev

5 June 2024
The match will probably take place in winter in honor of the Olympic champion Talant Dujshebaev.
A gala-match is planned to be held in Bishkek this winter with the participation of USSR and world legends of handball. The match will be dedicated to the Olympic champion Talant Dujshebaev. The head of the Handball Federation of Russia Sergey Shishkarev informed TASS about it.
 — I am the initiator and organizer and I’ll do everything to hold a great international match in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in December or in early January. We want to dedicate it to an intense sporting path of Talant Dujshebaev — a famous Kyrgyz player, the world’s best player of last century, from my point of view, he deserves it, — Shishkarev said.
Shishkarev noted, that an agreement to hold a match between the world team and the team of USSR was reached.
 — Clearly, Talant Dujshebaev will play for both teams being an athlete, who managed to play for three national teams: USSR, CIS and Spain, — the head of the HFR added.
Photo: akipress.org     
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