Olimpbet Cup of Friendship. The national team of Belarus beat the team of Russia with a one-ball difference and won the Moscow tournament

16:52, 7 January 2024
The Cup of Friendship winner is determined.
The team of Belarus became the triumphant of the tournament. Yury Shevtsov’s wards were stronger than Russia with a difference of one goal. It is the fourth consecutive win of Belarusian national team over Velimir Petkovic’s team. 
7 January
Russia — Belarus — 31:32 (17:22) (Santalov — 10, Kiselev, Ermakov — 6 each; Khmelkov — 7, Nikanovic — 6)
Iran — Russia-2 — 29:27 (12:15) (Norouzinejad — 4; Vorobyev — 5, Bespalov — 4)
Final standings. 1. Belarus — 6 points. 2. Iran — 4. 3. Russia — 2. 4. Russia-2 — 0.
Photo: vk.com/rh
Tournaments: EHF Euro (men)
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