Vladimir Konoplev: "We are organizing a new international tournament. The first round will be held in Belarus on November 6-8"

The chairman of the Belarusian Handball Federation Vladimir Konoplev told about the organization of an international tournament

21:00, 19 September 2024
The chairman of the Belarusian Handball Federation Vladimir Konoplev highlighted the creation of a new tournament, which first tour will be held in Belarus in November.
 — We are arranging a new tournament to keep our handball at the proper level, because sooner or later this situation will end. Several teams have already agreed to participate in it. I can name only Belarus and Russia among the participants, but there will be other teams. The tournament will be held through the rounds. The first round will be held in Belarus on November 6-8, the next one in location which we will determine later and so on. It will be interesting, we are deciding now, where to hold it — at Chizhovka arena or in Uruchye, — Konoplev said in the Sport-Centre program.  
Photo: Belarus 5 press             


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