Olimpbet Cup of Friendship. The national team of Russia lost to the guests from Iran with a three-goal difference. The winner of the tournament will be known tomorrow

17:11, 6 January 2024
The second game day of the Cup of Friendship, held in Moscow, finished.
The national team of Russia ceded to the team of Iran. The guests were stronger with an advantage of three balls. 
6 January
Russia — Iran — 26:29 (14:16) (Kiselev — 6, K.Kotov — 5; Heidarpour, Urey, Askari — 5 each)
Belarus — Russia-2 — 45:29 (21:15) (Selvesyuk, Kulak — 8 each, Rud — 6; Vorobyev — 5)
Tournament standings (after two tours). 1. Belarus — 4 points. 2. Iran — 2. 3. Russia — 2. 4. Russia-2 — 0.
Photo: vk.com/rh
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