Olimpbet Cup of Friendship. The national team of Belarus achieved the second victory in the tournament in Moscow. This time Belarus confidently beat the Russian Youth team

14:33, 6 January 2024
The first match of the second game day of the Cup of Friendship, held in Moscow, finished.
The national team of Belarus beat the youth team of Russia with an advantage of 16 balls. It is the second victory of Yury Shevtsov’s team in the tournament.
6 January
Belarus — Russia-2 — 45:29 (21:15) (Selvesyuk, Kulak — 8 each, Rud — 6; Vorobyev — 5)
Tournament standings. 1. Belarus — 4 points (2 matches). 2. Russia — 2 (1). 3. Iran — 0 (1). 4. Russia-2 — 0 (2).
Photo: vk.com/rh   
Tournaments: EHF Euro (men)
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