Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don defeated HC AGU-Adyif Maykop in the final match of the Russian championship in 2023

15:33, 24 December 2023
HC Rostov-Don achieved an away victory over HC AGU-Adyif in the final match of the championship of Russia in the outgoing 2023 year and strengthened its leadership in the tournament standings. 
24 December
AGU-Adyif — Rostov-Don — 24:39 (11:19) (Tomilina — 8, Milova — 4, A.Seliverstova — 3; Makeeva — 7, Kishko — 6, Kozhokar — 5)
Tournament standings. 1. Rostov-Don — 36 points (19 matches). 2. CSKA — 31 (18). 3. Astrakhanochka — 29 (19). 4. Chernomorochka — 28 (18). 5. Lada — 25 (18). 6. Kuban —19 (18). 7. Dinamo-sinara — 15 (18). 8. Zvezda — 12 (18). 9. Stavropolye — 10 (18). 10. AGU-Adyif — 8 (19). 11. Luch — 6 (18). 12. Universitet — 1 (19).
Photo: vk.com/rostovhandball   
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