Olimpbet Super League. HC Zenit Saint-Petersburg won a confident guest victory over HC SKIF Krasnodar in the final match of the game day

20:30, 19 December 2023
The eventful game day in the men’s Super League finished.
HC Zenit beat HC SKIF in Krasnodar. The losing series of the hosts reached four matches. Both Saveliy Shalabanov and Oleg Lunya scored 8 goals and became the top-scorers of the meeting.
19 December
SKIF — Zenit — 29:35 (14:17) (Shalabanov — 8, Dashko — 5; Lunya — 8, Kiselev — 7, Turaev, Solodovnikov — 5 each)
SGAU-Saratov — Victor — 33:36 (16:20) (Salimov, Musaev — 7 each; Belyaev — 8, Pasenov — 7)
Skif — CSKA — 36:41 (15:21) (Yankovskiy — 8, Stepanov — 6; Hiryk — 12, Rud — 9)
Akbuzat — Permskie medvedi — 27:38 (16:17) (Lukyantsev, Gnoevoy, Nasibullin — 5 each; Salikov, Kuzmin — 6 each)
Dinamo-Sungul — Chekhovskie medvedi — 33:29 (16:16) (S.Ermakov — 8, Dudik — 5; A.Kotov, A.Ermakov — 7 each)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 25 points (13 matches). 2. Permskie medvedi — 20 (13). 3. Chekhovskie medvedi — 20 (13). 4. Zenit — 20 (13). 5. Victor — 17 (13). 6. SKIF — 13 (13). 7. Dinamo — 12 (12). 8. Dinamo-Sungul — 11 (13). 9. SGAU-Saratov — 7 (13). 10. Akbuzat — 4 (13). 11. Skif — 3 (13). 12. Kaustik — 2 (12).
Photo: HC Zenit press 
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