Olimpbet Super League. HC Zenit Saint-Petersburg defeated HC SGAU-Saratov in the final match of the 12th tour in the men’s championship

21:00, 14 December 2023
The final match of the game day in the men’s Super League finished.
HC Zenit won a confidently victory over HC SGAU-Saratov. The goalkeeper of the hosts Igor Chernikov made 15 saves (40%).
14 December
Zenit — SGAU-Saratov — 35:24 (15:10) (Kiselev, Solodovnikov — 6 each, Chernov — 5; Matveev — 6, Salimov, Goncharenko — 5 each)
Victor — Dinamo-Sungul — 24:18 (12:12) (Vrachevich — 5; Reznik — 5)
Chekhovskie medvedi — Akbuzat — 45:27 (19:12) (Kulak, Santalov, Morozov, Furtsev — 6 each, K.Kotov, Aksyukov — 5 each; Mishin — 5)
CSKA — Kaustik — 41:32 (18:15) (Hiryk, Korkin — 7 each, Belevtsov — 6, Ionov — 5; D.Ivanov, Koltsov — 6 each, Ibrakov, Larin — 5 each)
Permskie medvedi — Skif — 38:34 (20:16) (Tyurin — 7, Ponomarev — 5; Poltavskiy — 9, Stepanov — 7, Yankovskiy — 5)
Tournament standings (after 12 tours). 1. CSKA — 23 points. 2. Chekhovskie medvedi — 20. 3. Permskie medvedi — 18. 4. Zenit — 18. 5. Victor — 15. 6. SKIF — 13. 7. Dinamo — 12. 8. Dinamo-Sungul — 9. 9. SGAU-Saratov — 7. 10. Akbuzat — 4. 11. Skif — 3. 12. Kaustik — 2.
Photo: HC Zenit press 
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