Olimpbet Super League. HC Dinamo Astrakhan beat HC SKIF Krasnodar and took revenge for the defeat in the first round

18:28, 13 December 2023
One match was held in the men’s championship of Russia on Wednesday.
HC Dinamo Astrakhan was stronger than the guests from Krasnodar. This success allowed HC Dinamo to approach its rivals in the tournament standings.
13 December
Dinamo — SKIF — 30:26 (11:10) (Gumarov — 8, Larin — 5; Dashko, Dolinin — 7 each)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 21 points (11 matches). 2. Chekhovskie medvedi — 18 (11). 3. Zenit — 16 (11). 4. Permskie medvedi — 16 (11). 5. Victor — 13 (11). 6. SKIF — 13 (12). 7. Dinamo — 12 (12). 8. Dinamo-Sungul — 9 (11). 9. SGAU-Saratov — 7 (11). 10. Akbuzat — 4 (11). 11. Skif — 3 (11). 12. Kaustik — 2 (11).
Photo: vk.com/skifkrasnodar  
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