Russia. Lev Voronin: "The HFR hopes that our and Belarusian athletes will have the opportunity to participate in international competitions

22 November 2023

The Handball Federation of Russia remains hopeful that the European Handball Federation will provide an opportunity for Russian and Belorusian teams to participate in international tournaments under its authority, — TASS quotes the HFR General Director Lev Voronin.

Since February 2022 Russian and Belarusian clubs have no opportunity to participate in international competitions at club and national team level. And the clubs hold friendly matches regularly.
 — In any case at the moment we hope, that there will be certain actions on behalf of the European Handball Federation, which will allow us to participate in all tournaments both at club and national team level. It was only in conversation format yet. As we see, one part of countries is for return of our teams, while another part is against. We are looking forward to a general vote with a decision made in our favor, — Voronin said at the meeting with journalists in Novogorsk. 
Photo: the HFR press          


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