Olimpbet Super League. HC Dinamo Astrakhan reached success with a minimal advantage in a home match with HC Akbuzat

22 November 2023
One match in the men’s Super League was held today.
HC Dinamo Astrakhan hosted HC Akbuzat. The guests from Ufa ceded the victory with a difference of one goal. HC Dinamo managed to break away from the rivals in the tournament standings on two points. 
22 November
Dinamo — Akbuzat — 34:33 (14:16) (Larin — 8, Ukhvarkin — 5; Gnoevoy — 6, Mishin, Artamonov — 5 each)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 17 points (9 matches). 2. Chekhovskie medvedi — 16 (9). 3. Permskie medvedi — 14 (9). 4. SKIF — 12 (9). 5. Zenit — 12 (9). 6. Dinamo-Sungul — 9 (9). 7. Victor — 9 (9). 8. Dinamo — 6 (9). 9. SGAU-Saratov — 5 (9). 10. Akbuzat — 4 (9). 11. Skif — 3 (9). 12. Kaustik — 1 (9).
Photo: vk.com/zkastrakhan  
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