Olimbet Super League. HC Zenit defeated HC Skif Omsk on the home court in the final match of the game day of the men’s championship

20:55, 20 November 2023
The final match of Monday in the men’s Super League was held in Saint-Petersburg.
HC Zenit defeated HC Skif. The advantage of the hosts amounted to 11 goals already after the first half. In the winners Valeriy Verein scored 7 goals.
20 November
Zenit — Skif — 40:23 (21:10) (Verein — 7, Petrov — 6, Kiselev — 5; Sonchik — 6, Yankovsky — 5)
SKIF — Dinamo-Sungul — 35:27 (17:13) (Shalabanov, Dolinin — 6 each, Dashko, Maslennikov, Chan Suan Vet — 5 each; Koval — 5)
SGAU-Saratov — Kaustik — 36:22 (19:13) (Salimov — 5, Nanov, Dobrynin, Trofimets, Shishkov, Sazonov, Matveev — 4 each; D.Ivanov — 7, Koltsov, Ibrakov — 4 each)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 17 points (9 matches). 2. Chekhovskie medvedi — 16 (9). 3. Permskie medvedi — 14 (9). 4. SKIF — 12 (9). 5. Zenit — 12 (9). 6. Dinamo-Sungul — 9 (9). 7. Victor — 9 (9). 8. SGAU-Saratov — 5 (9). 9. Dinamo — 4 (8). 10. Akbuzat — 4 (8). 11. Skif — 3 (9). 12. Kaustik — 1 (9).
Photo: HC Zenit press 
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