Russia. The first shift of Champions School in the Moscow region started working under the guidance of Nadezhda Muravyova and Maya Petrova

15 June 2022
Tuesday, the first shift of Champions School got started in Horizon park-hotel  in the Moscow region, as reported by Russian Handball Federation press service.
Exercises are held by a there-time world champion Nadezhda Muravyova, an Olympic champion Maya Petrova, the head coach of women’s beach handball team Anna Sidoricheva and the Dinamo-Sinara General physical preparation trainer  Alexandr Sidorichev
45 handball players born in 2008-10 work for Horizon. Geography is impressive: Moscow, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Krasnodar, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Saint-Petersburg, Togliatti. 
Russian Handball Federation provided the balls and inventory for training. 
Photo: press service of HFR
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