HC Permskie Medvedi beat HC Dinamo-Sungul with a minimal difference in the final game day and won the Cup of the Governor of the Omsk region

HC Permskie Medvedi won the preseason tournament in Omsk. The local club Skif placed fourth

15:37, 10 August 2024
The final game day of the preseason tournament the Cup of the Governor of the Omsk region among men’s teams was held on Saturday.
In the confrontation between the leaders HC Permskie Medvedi beat HC Dinamo-Sungul with a minimal advantage (28:27) and won the tournament without a point loss.     
In the last match of the tournament the local club Skif failed to score points and ceded to HC Zilant (27:29).
10 August
Permskie Medvedi — Dinamo-Sungul — 28:27 (14:13)
Skif — Zilant — 27:29 (13:14)
Final standings (after 3 tours). 1. Permskie Medvedi — 4 points. 2. Dinamo-Sungul — 3. 3. Zilant — 3. 4. Skif — 0.
Photo: HC Skif press 
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