HC Chernomorochka beat HC Lada, HC Zvezda was stronger than BNTU-BelAZ. A friendly tournament started in Zvenigorod

HC Chernomorochka and HC Zvezda won in the first game day of the international friendly tournament

20:45, 9 August 2024
The Zvezda Cup preseason tournament started in Zvenigorod involving the teams from Russia and Belarus.
HC Chernomorochka beat HC Lada. The right back Joana Da Costa from HC Lada scored 6 goals. 
HC Zvezda won with a minimal advantage in a match with BNTU-Belaz. In the winners 6 goals are on the account of Stanislav Gerasimova, Kristina Brlchikova and Daria Milenina.
9 August
Chernomorochka — Lada — 31:28 (18:15) (Zotina, Ikhneva — 5 each, Sivovalova — 4; Da Costa — 6, Fomina, Reshetnikova — 4 each)
Zvezda — BNTU-Belaz — 28:27 (16:17) (Gerasimova, Belchikova, Milenina — 6 each; Basevich — 5)
Photo: HC Lada press  
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