Olimpbet Super League. 20-year-old centre back of HC Rostov-Don Alina Reshetnikova decided to finish playing career

18:23, 3 July 2024
The press service of HC Rostov-Don informed that the centre back Alina Reshetnikova finished her career.
 — I would like to thank Rostov-Don! I’m grateful to the club’s management, girls, coaches and our fans. I will remember the time spent with you for a lifetime. At the moment I want to start developing outside of professional sport and connect my life with another activity. Handball will remain in my heart forever. Good luck to girls, I will support them, — Reshetnikova said.
Alina Reshetnikova is a ward of HC Rostov-Don, she became a champion of Russia in 2022 as part of the main team.
Photo: vk.com/rostovhandball          
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