Olimpbet Super League. Eduard Akopyan: "I consider a five-year term sufficient for the work in such an ambitious club and decided to accept the offer of the HFR"

10:03, 18 June 2024
Eduard Akopyan summed up his work in the club after leaving CSKA in the interview to the club’s press service.
 — I suppose, that we managed to make considerable achievements within five years of the new club’s existence. CSKA became the leading club of the country, which won the championship and the Cup of Russia three times, we successfully performed on the international arena. Professional establishment was established, an army of the club’s fans appeared. Much work has been done, that allows to look forward with optimism. I’m sure, the club has great prospects, especially since CSKA is fully staffed for the upcoming season. As for me, currently, I considered a five-year term sufficient for the work in such an ambitious club and decided to accept the offer of the HFR, where I should take one of the leadership position in the nearest future. I wish CSKA a beautiful play and plenty of bright victories, — Eduard Akoyan resumed.
Photo: HC CSKA press                 


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